Vitality NP NYC

PRP for hair loss

Most people associate a thick head of glossy hair with vibrant health. But hair loss often isn’t linked to your health. It’s more often caused by genetic or environmental factors. This is where PRP for hair loss comes to the rescue. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections use a blend of natural ingredients that come from your own blood. In your scalp, the platelet cells help your hair regrow. You can see noticeable differences in just six months. Call a PRP specialist in NYC, Svetlana Pyatigorskaya at Vitality NP NYC, for a consultation.

What Is PRP for Hair Loss?

A platelet-rich plasma or PRP for hair loss treatment is a revolutionary procedure in the field of hair rejuvenation. But using platelets for medical procedures isn’t a new development. Platelets are the components in your blood that stop you from bleeding. They also have healing properties, so injecting them into your scalp can reinvigorate your hair follicles. Losing your hair decreases your confidence level, makes you look older than you really are and diminishes your sense of yourself. If you suffer from severe hair loss or bald spots, you can benefit from PRP injections  for hair loss. This hair loss treatment works on both men and women. It’s an anti-aging procedure that complements other treatments, including: Seek out a PRP specialist in NYC like Svetlana Pyatigorskaya.  She has more than 30 years of medical experience as a nurse practitioner. At Vitality NP NYC  in Downtown New York City, she offers advice on how to combat weight gain and hair loss, which are sometimes linked.

What Causes Hair Loss?

It’s normal to lose a small amount of hair every day. Severe hair loss, by contrast, is when chunks of your hair fall out or you start noticing bald patches. Male pattern baldness affects nearly 50 million Americans. For women, the figures are slightly lower at 30 million, but that’s still a large number. The reasons behind hair loss depend on several factors, such as:
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Stress and tension
  • Family history of baldness
  • Excessive hair brushing
  • Hair styles that aggravate your scalp or pull out your hair
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Alopecia and similar medical conditions
  • Weight loss for men  and women, as it can mean you’re not getting enough nutrients in your new diet
Then there are times when you may lose your hair temporarily, depending on your situation or medical treatments. These times include:

Why Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Work for Hair Loss?

Your blood has four components:

  1. Red blood cells
  2. White blood cells
  3. Platelets
  4. Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is a solution rich in platelets. These specialized blood cells contain proteins known as growth factors. They give the cells their unique regeneration properties. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood. Benefits of injecting the platelet-rich plasma into your scalp include:

  • PRP for hair loss injections involve a concentrated mixture of the platelets.
  • Platelets promote tissue regeneration and increase your hair count.
  • They thicken existing hair follicles, the hair shaft and hair stem.
  • Platelets even work if you’ve had a hair transplant, as they stimulate and strengthen hair roots, promoting cell regeneration in your hair follicles.

What’s the Procedure for a PRP Treatment for Hair Loss?

A PRP treatment for hair loss takes only 30 minutes at Vitality NP NYC in NYC. Most often, the procedure works best when you combine it with other treatment plans, such as microneedling or Minoxidil. You may only start seeing and feeling a difference in your hair count and texture after six months.

You may need additional PRP therapy sessions if your bald spot is large or there are complications. The PRP for hair loss process involves a series of steps, including:

  1. Blood is drawn from your arm. Using your own blood prevents complications such as rejection of the cells.
  2. The blood is then put through a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the red and white blood cells.
  3. The processed, platelet-rich blood is injected into the bald or balding areas of your scalp.
  4. The platelets-rich plasma breaks down in the blood stream, releasing unique regrowth properties.
  5. PRP injections for hair loss don’t work right away. You likely need multiple sessions. Your PRP specialist in NYC directs you to return from time to time for touch-ups to maintain your hair growth.
  6. People who’ve undergone hair transplants benefit the most from PRP treatment for hair loss. The transplanted hair roots get more strength from the protein growth factors in the platelets, preventing them from falling out sooner.

Seek a certified PRP specialist in NYC for your hair loss treatments. Contact Svetlana Pyatigorskaya at Vitality NP NYC  in Lower Manhattan for the safest, most effective PPRP hair loss treatments in NYC.

Get In Touch!

Svetlana Pyatigorskaya is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and American Board Anti Aging Health Practitioner. She lives and practicing in New York.